Congreso, I came to tell you that your identity is in Christ. You are loved, you are forgiven and you are called.
Pastor Felix Treviño knew the metric stating a healthy church should have one baptism for every 15 people in average worship attendance per year, but the First Baptist Church of Mathis simply was not seeing God move in that way.
The result was a moving two-day conference in which church leaders and laity were urged to share Christ and show love with an intentional focus, as Texas Baptists director of Evangelism Leighton Flowers explained, on “the soul of the person you are with.”
Church leaders and laypersons alike will have another opportunity to be equipped and encouraged to share the good news of Jesus Christ.
“We want to help women grow in confidence in their beliefs, to know and articulate Christian theology. Women’s ministry is drifting from being event-driven to formation-driven. Personal formation is becoming the emphasis among these ministries.”