Ministerial Health

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Kevin Abbott welcomed by Center for Ministerial Health as new director of Pastoral Health Networks and Area 5 representative

by Jessica King on July 5, 2024 in News

The Texas Baptists Center for Ministerial Health welcomed Kevin Abbott as the new director of Pastoral Health Networks and Area 5 representative. 

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Minister Connection helps match churches, pastors

by Teresa Young on May 2, 2024 in News

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Perryton church celebrates 23 salvations after serving community devastated by tornado

by Teresa Young on February 14, 2024 in News

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H. Lynn Eckeberger honored with Intentional Interim Ministry award for dedicated service

by Meredith Poe on January 25, 2024 in News

Texas Baptists Interim Church Services and the Intentional Interim Ministry (IIM) network named Dr. H. Lynn Eckeberger the 2023 Interim Pastor of the Year.

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Small-town church experiences big-time impact from minister health grant

by Emily Ahrens on October 24, 2023 in Stories of Impact

Hernandez, who is not eligible to receive Social Security, lives off of his pension from working more than 20 years at the local school. While it can be difficult for pastors like Hernandez to make ends meet, Texas Baptists’ Center for Ministerial Health is providing some much-needed support.

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Texas Baptists and GuideStone partner to provide free video resources on ministers’ compensation

by Meredith Poe on August 24, 2023 in News

"The financial resources provided by GuideStone are geared specifically for the unique financial challenges and opportunities ministers face,"

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Pastor Sabbatical Grant helps pastors escape burnout

by George Schroeder on July 31, 2023 in News

"[It] started me on a journey toward a more balanced schedule in all of life."

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Pastor Sabbatical Grant now accepting more applicants

by Texas Baptists Communications on January 25, 2023 in News

The program was originally launched in 2022, when 95 recipients were awarded grants, and interest in the grant has continued to grow.

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Dan Curry named 2022 recipient of MWD Award for Intentional Interim Ministry

by Karl Fickling on December 14, 2022 in News

The award reflects cumulative service, as all these ministers have helped multiple churches through difficult interim periods, excelled in peer reviews of their Intentional Interim Ministries, and provided additional leadership for the Interim Ministry Network of the BGCT.

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Ministers Financial Health Grant helps pastor focus on church efforts rather than financial burdens

by Emily Ahrens on November 4, 2022 in Ministerial Health

“We’re thankful to be connected with a convention that sees its pastors and the ministry we do, and offers these resources,”

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