“Baptism always represents life, new life, transformation of life. A life that was going one direction but has turned around and is now going in a different direction.”
Offerings generously given by BOUNCE student missionaries have gone to adopt three Missionary Adoption Program (MAP) missionaries in Uganda and Spain for three years.
“Pastoring is not easy, and it’s even more difficult when it’s done alone. So, we want to improve the pastoral experience through connectivity and resourcing and providing a friend to them.”
Middle and high school students give a week of their summer vacation learning about and serving church plants through BOUNCE Student Church Planting.
Just miles from the border between Texas and Mexico, Texas Baptists gathered during the 2023 Texas Baptists Family Gathering to celebrate 55 years of River Ministry at the Missions Banquet.
"We want them to look at people and have a Christ-like heart for others."
“We’re not talking about statistics; we’re talking about names and faces of real people,”