Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Will my information be kept confidential?

Texas Baptists Counseling Services makes every effort to protect privacy and confidentiality from the initial assessment to referrals and potential subsidy assistance. Situations involving mandated reporting such as child/elder abuse or neglect will be addressed as required by law.

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What is subsidy assistance?

Funds are set aside at the beginning of each calendar year to allow counseling services to offset the cost of counseling for ministers and their families who meet certain criteria and as long as the funds are available. These funds are approved and allocated by the Director of Texas Baptists Counseling Services. A client must contact the Director to inquire about assistance with subsidy funds. Subsidy funds are paid directly to the counselor.

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How many times can the client use subsidy assistance?

The funds are designed to assist the client in accessing and getting started with counseling and are not necessarily available for the duration of counseling. A client is eligible to reapply for subsidy after 12 months following the last approved session. Subsidy assistance is available per family, not per individual.

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Does the subsidy assistance expire?

Subsidy assistance is intended to be used within six months of approval. If the approved subsidy funds have not been utilized within six months, the counselor or client will need to contact the Director to determine if funds are still available. Subsidy assistance does not cover fees for missed sessions. Fees for missed sessions are the responsibility of the client.

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What if I’ve already been seeing a counselor?

The program does not pay for sessions that have taken place before approval has been given nor for services rendered by a professional not participating in our Approved Professional Network. If you would like to submit a counselor to be included in the Network, please contact the Director for information pertaining to this situation.

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Do I have to come to Dallas?

Texas Baptists Counseling Services maintains a network of professional counselors across the state. Therefore, the intent is to find counseling professionals and resources more local and accessible to your area. In the event that the client prefers to seek counseling outside of their local area for confidentiality or specialty reasons, we will do the best we can to provide options per your requests and needs. Many counselors now offer telehealth as well.

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How are counselors selected?

Counselors must go through an approval process including submission of a formal application, letters of recommendation from colleagues, proof of professional liability insurance and state licensure. Counselors have provided a statement regarding their Christian beliefs and their desire to work with ministers and family members. Texas Baptists Counseling Services has and will continue to exercise diligence in considering professionals for inclusion in the Approved Professional Network (APN). However, Texas Baptists Counseling Services is not responsible for an APN member’s theological perspective or modality of therapy. Each professional approved is required to be licensed by the state in his/her own profession, to provide accurate information about academic and professional qualifications including specialties, liability insurance coverage, previous lawsuits if any, professional experience as well as current and previous employment.

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Is there a chance that funds are not available?

Since subsidy funds are set aside at the beginning of the year, it is possible for the funds to be exhausted prior to the end of the calendar year. However, you are encouraged to contact the Director for more information on how counseling services might be able to assist your situation.

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