The Center for

Church Health

Texas Baptists exist primarily to serve the needs of our churches; to help the local church be healthy so that God’s people may succeed in His mission of connecting the world to Jesus.

Church Health & Growth

Assisting churches in evaluating their church health, engaging their community with the Gospel, and growing God’s Kingdom by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Providing consultation, training, special events, tools and resources to help Texas Baptist congregations develop into Great Commission churches.


Challenging, equipping and training Texas Baptists, by the power of the Holy Spirit, to passionately fulfill God’s call to reach all people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Music & Worship

Partnering with ministry leaders to encourage, provide resources and develop worship leadership. We help equip churches through training events, consultations, and opportunities for fellowship.

Women’s Ministry

Leverage the talent and giftedness of the women in your church for God’s glory.

GC2 Press

Providing user-friendly Bible studies that are practical, helpful, and immediately useful to teachers and students.

Church Architecture

We assist churches of all sizes and ministry styles by providing on-site consultations, website information, printed resources and full color drawing studies for strategic facility planning. We also offer a capital fundraising program called United We Build to raise funds and reduce the amount a church borrows.

Young Adult Ministry

The Young Adult Ministry is designed to be a resource for churches by helping them reach, reconnect, and re-establish relationships with young adults within their community and their church.