Articles by Jane Wilson

1 - 4 of 4 articles

Considerations for a relaunch of your Youth Ministry

by Jane Wilson on April 29, 2020 in Relaunch

What is safe (not simply allowed) as we “love our neighbor” in the example of Christ.

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Ame a los jóvenes bien en tiempos de distanciamiento social

by Jane Wilson on March 26, 2020 in COVID-19

Propóngase que cuando ellos vean en retrospectiva y recuerden esta época de sus vidas, que sea una en la que caminamos a su lado, en lugar de tratar de corregir cada imperfección de su perspectiva.

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Loving your teens well during a time of physical distancing

by Jane Wilson on March 26, 2020 in COVID-19

Make it your goal that they look back and remember this as a time in which you walked alongside them, rather than tried to correct every flaw in their outlook.

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Give me a break!

by Jane Wilson on September 11, 2015 in Great Commission

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