Articles from September 2021

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Increased 2022 budget, GC2 statement and additional business approved at September Executive Board meeting

by Texas Baptists Communications on September 29, 2021 in News

Directors approved the 2022 proposed budget, elected officers, heard ministry reports, and approved business related to 26 unique recommendations.

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TXB Spotlight with David Lorenz

by Texas Baptists Communications on September 29, 2021 in TXB Spotlight

David Lorenz is pastor of First Baptist Church Friendswood. Get to know his background and how you can be praying for his church during Pastor Appreciation Month.

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Texas Baptists churches and ministries respond to Del Rio/Acuña border crisis

by Bonnie Shaw on September 22, 2021 in News

Along the Texas/Mexico border, over 14,000 immigrants have congregated in an encampment under a bridge connecting Del Rio, Texas to Acuña, Mexico.

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Ministers Financial Health celebrates distribution of $1 million in funds to Texas Baptists pastors and ministers

by Meredith Rose on September 17, 2021 in News

“We are anxious to continue reaching pastors and ministers with information about how these programs can be a blessing to them and their churches.”

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A Reflection from a chaplain at Ground Zero following 9/11

by Jonathan Smith on September 10, 2021 in Church Health & Growth

I was in New York City in June of 2001 with my wife Heather for my first visit to New York City. When I returned for a last-minute mission trip in December of 2001, I found an entirely different city.

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Los principios bíblicos al denunciar el abuso sexual

by David Sanchez on September 9, 2021 in Sexual Abuse Response

La Biblia toma el abuso sexual en serio. Debemos denunciarlo 1) porque es la ley (en el caso de menores) y debemos someternos al gobierno que Dios ha puesto sobre nosotros para ejercer Su justicia; 2) porque como pueblo de Dios se nos pide que defendamos al oprimido y vulnerable; 3) porque al hacerlo desanimamos a otros posibles ofensores; y, 4) porque al denunciar al ofensor le proveemos la oportunidad de ver su pecado por lo que es y arrepentirse.

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The Biblical principles behind reporting sexual abuse

by David Sanchez on September 9, 2021 in Sexual Abuse Response

The Bible takes sexual abuse seriously. We should report it because it is the law (in the case of minors) and we must submit to the government God has placed over us to execute his justice, because as God’s people we are charged to stand up for the oppressed and vulnerable, because doing so discourages other would-be offenders, and because reporting the offender provides them with a chance to see their sin for what it is and repent.

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TBM faces large, lengthy response after Hurricane Ida

by John Hall on September 9, 2021 in News

“Through all the devastation, it’s just amazing to see God work,”

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Reconstituted Mud

by Jonathan Smith on September 9, 2021 in Church Health & Growth

"We are called to "reconstitute" his grace for those around us...."

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UTD Baptist Student Ministry welcomes the nations to campus with a ‘Big Howdy’

by Meredith Rose on September 3, 2021 in Collegiate Ministry

“Big Howdy provides an incredible opportunity to display all the ways we seek to serve international students so that we can form meaningful, gospel-declaring relationships."

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